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"Why should you make games? Do it to give players joy from your unique perspective and to have fun expressing yourself. You win and the players win." — Duane Alan Hahn




To be able to study and work on something you are truly passionate about is something never to be taken for granted. I develop games because it makes me happy, it's as simple as that. If what you're doing doesn't make you happy then you're doing life wrong. Get up and get on it.


The past four years have been a constant learning experience for me. Teaching myself C++ as my first programming language before I went back to university, improving my programming skills and designing and developing games within a team and solo. I have since took it into my hands to learn as much as possible in my spare time, working on projects in Unity, The Unreal Engine, Game Maker, and Construct 2.


A late bloomer that didn't take high school or college seriously. After seven years or so I decided to return to education to find out if I was stupid or just a lazy kid. Thankfully it turned out I was just a kid with no drive. Now at 29 I am the hungriest I have ever been (to learn and to eat). Everyday I learn something new and thrive off the challenges that are presented to me. 


I focus most of my time on developing my programming skills. Working on games has allowed me to easily adapt to other areas of software such as mobile applications. From what started off as teaching myself C++ from scratch in my spare time, I now develop Android apps in both Unity and Android Studio, allowing to me to comfortably program in both C# and Java.

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